Saturday, June 4

5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet

1) An unfinished e-book isn’t a constant reminder to finish reading it.
E-books don’t exist in your peripheral vision. They do not taunt you to finish what you started.

2) You can’t keep your books all in one place.
You can’t see all the e-books you own from various vendors, all in one place. The way we e-read is the reverse of how we read. To pick up our next physical book, we peruse bookshelves we’ve arranged and pick something out.

3) Notes in the margins help you think.
It’s not enough to be able to highlight something. A careful reader wants to argue with the author, or amplify a point, or jot down an insight inspired by something freshly read. And it has to be proximate to the original — a separate notebook is ridiculous.

4) E-books are positioned as disposable, but aren’t priced that way.
It’s just annoying to plunk down $13 for what amounts to a rental.

5) E-books can’t be used for interior design.
When in your literate life you did not garnish your environment with books as a means of wordlessly introducing yourself to people in your circle? It may be all about vanity, but books — how we arrange them, the ones we display in our public rooms, the ones we don’t keep — say a lot about what we want the world to think about us. Probably more than any other object in our homes, books are our coats of arms, our ice breakers, our calling cards. Locked in the dungeon of your digital reader, nobody can hear them speak on your behalf.

Read more at Wired