Sunday, September 11

Computer Generated Articles Gaining Traction

Narrative Science, a start-up in Evanston, Ill., offers proof of the progress of artificial intelligence — the ability of computers to mimic human reasoning. The innovative work at Narrative Science raises the broader issue of whether such applications of artificial intelligence will mainly assist human workers or replace them. Technology is already undermining the economics of traditional journalism... will “robot journalists” replace flesh-and-blood journalists in newsrooms?

The company, founded last year, has 20 customers so far. Narrative Science (earns) less than $10 for each article of about 500 words — and the price will very likely decline over time. Even at $10, the cost is far less, by industry estimates, than the average cost per article of local online news ventures like AOL’s Patch or answer sites, like those run by Demand Media.

Read more at the New York Times